Whitney Houston. Rise to Fame and Musical Achievements

Rise to Fame and Musical Achievements
This timeline focuses on Whitney Houston's rapid rise to fame, her musical achievements, and her impact on the music industry.
June 1987
Second Album Release
Releases her second album "Whitney," which makes history as the first female artist to enter the Billboard album charts at number one
Consecutive #1 Hits
Achieves seven consecutive #1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, a record that remains unbroken
Olympic Theme Song
Records the theme song for the Seoul Olympics, "One Moment In Time"
February 1991
Super Bowl Performance
Performs "The Star Spangled Banner" at Super Bowl XXV during the first Gulf War
The Bodyguard
Stars in the film "The Bodyguard" and releases the soundtrack, which includes the hit single "I Will Always Love You"
Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston
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